R. Mencl. Code Generation and Templating Made Really Easy. Published in JavaZone on DZone: https://dzone.com/articles/code-generation-and-templating-made-really-easy. May 2016.
R. Mencl. "Jiowa Code Generation Framework - Tutorial & Handbook for the Code Generation Framework and its Template Engine". November 2015.
R. Oberrath, J. Vollmer. Clean Coding Cosmos 4 - Vom Urknall zum Blick in die Zukunft. OBJEKTspektrum 03/14. p. 43-50, (in German), SIGS DATACOM, 2014.
R. Oberrath, J. Vollmer. Clean Coding Cosmos 3 - Kosmische Effizienz durch Team Clean Coding. OBJEKTspektrum 02/14. p. 52-58, (in German), SIGS DATACOM, 2014.
R. Oberrath, J. Vollmer. Clean Coding Cosmos 2 - Kosmologische Suche nach Softwareentwicklungsschmutz. OBJEKTspektrum 01/14. p. 42-49, (in German), SIGS DATACOM, 2014.
M. Wawro. Determining a contrast-agent enhancement in the context of dynamic contrast agent MRI. WO 2014033163 A1, 2014.
R. Oberrath, J. Vollmer. Clean Coding Cosmos 1 - Kosmologie für Softwareentwickler. OBJEKTspektrum 06/13, p. 36-42, (in German), SIGS DATACOM, 2013.
S. Goronzy, R. Kompe, C. Hying, Z. Valsan, R. Mencl, H. Wais, T. Kemp, S. Torge and M. Emele. Methods to split a multiuser profile. Patent EP1860579, Sony Deutschland, 2002, November 2007.
R. Mencl, H. Müller. „Empirical Analysis of Surface Interpolation by Spatial Environment Graphs“. published in: Geometric Modeling for Scientific Visualization, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
F. Weichert, M.Wawro, and C. Wilke. A 3d computer graphics approach to
brachytherapy planning. J. Cardiovascular Imaging, 20(3):173–182, 2004.
M. Wawro, F. Weichert, C. Wilke, and H. Müller. Registration of biplane an-
giography and intravascular ultrasound for 3d vessel reconstruction. Methods
of Information in Medicine, 43(4):398–402, 2004.
S. Goronzy, R. Kompe, C. Hying, Z. Valsan, R. Mencl, H. Wais, T. Kemp, S. Torge and M. Emele (2002, 2003, 2009). Methods to create a user profile and to specify a suggestion for a next selection of the user. Patents EP000001395056A1 and WO002004021706A1 and CN 03820160, Sony International.
R. Mencl and H. Müller. Surface interpolation by spatial environment graphs. Data Visualization: The State of the Art 2003: 377-390, Springer Science & Business Media LLC, 2003.
M. Wawro, F. Weichert, and C. Wilke. A 3d cardiovascular model for
brachytherapy planning based on biplane angiography and intravascular ultra-
sound. CARS 2003, page 1398, 2003.
M. Wawro, F. Weichert, and C. Wilke. Korrekte dreidimensionale Visual-
isierung von Blutgefäßen durch Matching von intravaskulären Ultraschall- und
biplanaren Angiographiedaten als Basis eines IVB-systems. Bildverarbeitung
für die Medizin 2003, pages 61–65, 2003.
R. Kompe, M. Emele, S. Goronzy, R. Mencl, S. Torge. User Modeling in a Dialog System. Proceedings of the 1st annual GC-UPA (Usability Professionals) 2003, p. 63-68, Stuttgart, Germany.
R. Mencl and H. Müller. Surface interpolation by spatial environment graphs, 2000. Proceedings of Dagstuhl 2000 Scientific Visualization (appeared 2002).
R. Mencl. Reconstruction of Surfaces from Unorganized Three-Dimensional Point Clouds. PhD thesis, Fachbereich Informatik, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany, 2001.
M. Wawro and M. Fathi-Torbaghan. A scheduling strategy for problems of finite element analysis on computational grids. IEEE Conf. on Systems Man
and Cybernetics, 4:2623–2626, 2001.
H. Müller and R. Mencl. Surface interpolation by spatial environment graphs. In Proceedings of the 17th European Workshop on Computational Geometry, pages 7-10, 2001. Invited Talk.
M. Wawro and A. Roth. In-vivo quantification and densitometry of the MCP
joint tissue on patients with rheumatoid arthritis. EFORT Congress 2001,
M. Wawro. Objektorientierte FEM-basierte Simulation der Biomechanik des
Kniegelenks auf parallelen Rechnerarchitekturen. Bildverarbeitung für die
Medizin 2001, pages 67–71, 2001.
R. Mencl and H. Müller. Interpolation and approximation of surfaces from Three-dimensional scattered data points. In Proceedings of Dagstuhl `97 Scientific Visualization. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2000.
J. Hiltner, M. Wawro, M. Fath, B. Reusch, P. Kriener, J. Holstein, and
D. Grönemeyer. Automatische Detektion und Auswertung von Verkalkungen
der Koronararterien in EBCT- und Spiral-CT-Bilddaten. Bildverarbeitung für
die Medizin 2000, pages 341–345, 2000.
R. Mencl, H. Müller: Interpolation and Approximation of Surfaces from Three–dimensional Scattered Data Points. In Scientific Visualization (1999), IEEE, pp. 223–232.
J. Vollmer, R. Mencl, and H. Müller. Improved Laplacian Smoothing of Noisy Surface Meshes. Computer Graphics Forum, 18(3):131-138, 1999. Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS '99, Milano, Italy.
R. Garmann, J. Deponte, and R. Mencl. Interaktive Online-Ausbildung mit Applets. it+ti Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik, (3/99):13-20, 1999.
M. Breig, M. Kohler. Motion Detection and Tracking under Constraint of Pan-Tilt Cameras for Vision-Based Human Computer Interaction. Technical Report No. 689/1998, Fachbereich Informatik, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany, 1999.
M. Kohler. New Contributions to Vision-Based Human-Computer Interaction in Local and Global Environments, Infix-Verlag, 1999.
R. Mencl and H. Müller. Interpolation and approximation of surfaces from three-dimensional scattered data points. In State of the Art Reports (STAR) of EUROGRAPHICS '98, pages 51-67, 1998. Lisbon, Portugal.
R. Mencl and H. Müller. Graph-based surface reconstruction using structures in scattered point sets. In Proceedings of CGI '98 (Computer Graphics International), pages 298-311. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998.
S. Schröter, M. Kohler. Handgestenerkennung durch Computersehen. Informatik´98, p. 201-212, 1998, (in German).
C. Esken, M. Kohler. Object Identification of Body Parts and Stereo Matching through Motion Events and Positional Information. Technical Report No. 690/1998, Fachbereich Informatik, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany, 1998.
R. Garmann, R. Mencl, and G. Pietrek. MoCaRT++ - Ein objekt-orientiertes Programmsystem für Monte-Carlo Bildsynthese. it+ti Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik, (1/98):12-19, 1998. (in German)
M. Kohler, S. Schröter. A Survey of Video-based Gesture Recognition - Stereo and Mono Systems. Technical Report No. 693/1998, Fachbereich Informatik, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany, 1998.
R. Mencl. Reconstruction of surfaces from three-dimensional point clouds. Effiziente Methoden der geometrischen Modellierung und der wissenschaftlichen Visualisierung. In Dagstuhl Seminar 1997: , pages 253-286. B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, Leipzig, 1999. (in German)
M. Kohler. System Architecture and Techniques for Gesture Recognition in Unconstraint Environments. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, p. 137-146, 1997.
M. Kohler. Using the Kalman Filter to track Human Interactive Motion - Modeling and Initialization of the Kalman Filter for Translational Motion. Technical Report No. 629/1997, Fachbereich Informatik, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany, 1997.
R. Garmann, R. Mencl, G. Pietrek, Projektgruppe MoCaRT++.
MoCaRT++ - an object-oriented system for Monte-Carlo image synthesis. Technical Report No. 618/1996, Fachbereich Informatik, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany, 1996.
F. Weller and R. Mencl. Nearest neighbour search for visualization using arbitrary triangulations. In M. Göbel, J. David, P. Slavik, and J. J. van Wijk, editors, Virtual Environments and Scientific Visualization '96, pages 191-200. Springer Verlag New York, 1996.
M. Stark, M. Kohler. Video-Based Human Computer Interaction. it+ti - Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik 38(3), p. 15-20 (1996), (in German).
M. Kohler, H. Müller. Efficient Calculation of Subdivision Surfaces for Visualization. Technical Report No. 585/1995, Fachbereich Informatik, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany, 1995.
R. Mencl. A graph-based approach to surface reconstruction. Computer Graphics Forum, 14(3):445-456, 1995. Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS '95, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Also available as Technical Report 568/1995, Fachbereich Informatik, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany, 1995.
R. Mencl. Surface reconstruction from unorganized points in space. In Proceedings of the 11th European Workshop on Computational Geometry, 1995. Linz, Austria.
M. Stark, M. Kohler, Projektgruppe Zyklop. Video-Based Gesture Recognition for Human Computer Interaction. Technical Report No. 593/1995, Fachbereich Informatik, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany, 1995.